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Diversity Training 

SADC Statement on Previous Diversity Certificates

For many years, the Student Affairs Diversity Committee (SADC) has recognized the many accomplishments of individuals from our Student Affairs family and campus partners with the SADC Diversity Certificate.  The certificate was intended to provide a recognition for individuals who completed participation in programming including the training modules, speaker series, newsletter contributions and attending hosted speaker events related to diversity and social justice initiatives.

After seeking feedback from all current committee members, the SADC has made the decision to discontinue awarding diversity certificates but will continue to recognize members from Student Affairs for their participation. The committee values and appreciates everyone who has taken part in past modules, speaker series, and those who have contributed to the newsletter. Our intent is to continue these opportunities in the future and we hope that ending the certificate program will not impact your participation. As a committee we believe that a certificate can potentially send the wrong impression that there is an endpoint to this learning rather than understanding it as a continuous process, or that a particular level of expertise has been achieved. The “reward” for doing this work should be to impact others with our efforts, engaging in continuous critical self-reflection, and understanding how to create a better, more inclusive work and learning space.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, in collaboration with Human Resources will be developing a leadership program that will be made available to all employees in the coming months. This program will have a strong equity and diversity component. We will also continue to work with Human Resources to expand learning opportunities. We appreciate your efforts and look forward to engaging in educational and developmental opportunities in the future.


Bryan Hubain

Co-Chair, SADC


Branden Dalley

Co-Chair, SADC



Previous Diversity Certificate Program


  • Complete ALL 3 Training Modules**
    These modules must be taken sequentially.
    (If you've attended module 1 after November 2016, all 3 modules should be completed within one year's timeframe)
  • Attend 5 Student Affairs Diversity Committee speaker series 
    (All 5 seminars should attended within an 18 month timeframe)
  • Attend one campus and/or community diversity or social justice program/activity
  • Complete a reflection piece, one to two pages.
    • The reflection piece should address your experience completing the requirements for the SADC Certificate. Please include how the experience might have impacted your work with students and any significant personal and/or professional growth. Also please address how these experiences might have increased your awareness and willingness to discuss issues of diversity and inclusion in order to foster our goal of creating a more inclusive and safe campus environment. If you did not find that the training made a personal/professional impact, please spend some time talking about reasons you believe this might be the case. 

    • You may submit an essay, poem or any creative piece that best captures your experience(s) and feelings.

**If you have attended the afternoon session of the New Employees Orientation (Creating an Inclusive Campus), this counts as completion of Module 1

Last Updated: 4/30/21