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2015 Pursuit of Inclusion Staff Award Recipient: 
University Counselling Center's Intern Diversity Initiative Program

The University Counselling Center's  Intern Diversity Initiative Program has collaborated with various offices on campus to continue to promote their knowledge and skills to serve students who come from various cultures and backgrounds. In their aim to "promote and maintain liaison collaborations between themselves and other offices to serve the needs of underserved populations on campus" the interns in this program have created initiatives that are reflective of multiculturalism and inclusion.

Of the wonderful initiatives they've carried out, some include a Multicultural Issues Course; trainings and outreach on anti-racism and white privilege; and food insecurities (among a list of many). Not only do they intentionally identify unique needs of underrepresented students to support their persistence, but they continue to seek out solutions and recommendations to take the “next steps”. Additionally, their efforts have contributed to increased opportunities for dialogue on diversity.

This program offers their graduate interns the chance to enhance their own multicultural awareness and gain the skills to promote and sustain the overall diversity initiatives on our campus and specifically in Student Affairs.

Last Updated: 4/30/21