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2014 Pursuit of Inclusion Award Recipient: Rob Davies

rob daviesRob Davies has demonstrated a compassionate and unwavering commitment to issues of diversity, which continues to develop as they take on new leadership opportunities within our division.  He has been working on issues of discrimination and inclusion at the University of Utah for nearly a decade.

 Additionally, Rob has done much to support conversation and dialogue on this campus in relationship to issues of inclusion, multiculturalism, and safety.  They continue to work hard to raise awareness among colleagues and student affairs staff.

 He is viewed as a leader and someone who authentically honors students, staff, and faculty from diverse cultural backgrounds.

 To list just a few of his contributions:

  • He serves as an active member of the Student Affairs Difficult Dialogue group and has often been called upon to facilitate difficult dialogues on campus.
  • He was instrumental in creating a White Men’s Privilege Group at the U with the goal of addressing aspects of diversity while also holding privileged identities.
  • He oversees and supervises the instructors of the Multicultural Issues Course offered at the U.
  • He advocates for the centrality of multiculturally-sensitive counseling in clinical services provided to clients.
  • He served on the Counseling Center’s Multicultural Coordinating Committee.
  • He has worked closely with the ASUU Diversity Committee while serving as Salt Fellow.  In this role he worked with ASUU to address ways to promote diversity and nonviolence, which culminated in coming together and identifying ways to manage future issues that might arise during events such as ASUU elections.
  • He was involved with visioning and organizing an alternative fall break trip this year for first generation college students.  This was accomplished through reaching out to several campus and community partners to obtain funding for all interested students to participate regardless of their financial situation.

Rob's active involvement in diversity-related issues span the spectrum from education and outreach, participating in ongoing diversity dialogues, providing diversity training, creating innovative experiences for students, and engaging in campus collaborations


Last Updated: 4/30/21